Alexandra and Casper, a Danish couple wanted to build a healthy house according to their environmental value. The project is entirely made of biobased materials carefully chosen by our partner Havnens Hænder. They selected IsoHemp 15 and 25 cm blocks for the walls and partitions walls and used a glulam timber frame structure.

Casper is a landscape architect at Cobe and Alexandra is a biologist where it was important to them that the house fit in perfectly with the open hilly landscape, while using natural materials.

The architecture of the house is a combination between to preserve the typical and traditional character of a Danish farmhouse with a modern touch. They designed their single-family house with the particularity to have a twin modular structure. Both modules, the front and the back houses are identical and have the same size, where the front house is an open living room with a kitchen that are open to the ceiling, while the backhouse consists of two floors with bedrooms, bathrooms, and technicalities.

“It was like playing with Lego” said Casper about the construction of hemp blocks. “It was super easy to place and adapt to the wooden structure”.


Year of construction: 2023

Architect and owners: Sune Fisker Mogensen (SMO Ark), Claes Nilsson, Casper Borg and Alexandra Louise Møller

Partners distribution: Havnens Hænder

Contractors: Christian Skikkild, C.S. Byggeservice, T. Henriksen and H.R. Entreprise

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